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Autism-Friendly Environments

Autism-Friendly Environments

Christopher Beaver

Design Issues

Design Issues

Christopher beaver

Colour and best Pratice

Colour and best Pratice

Maria Luigia Assirelli

Design from an autistic perspective

Design from an autistic perspective

Dr John Biddulph

Understanding children with ASD

Understanding children with ASD

Professor Francesca Happe

Design and planning for ASD

Design and planning for ASD

Christopher Beaver

Legislative and policy developments

Legislative and policy developments

Mark Lever, CE National Autistic Society

The value of consultation

The value of consultation

Maria Luigia Assirelli

October 2016
National Autistic Society
Challenging Behaviour Conference

Birmingham UK

November 2016
XI Autism-Europe International Congress 2016
Edinburgh Scotland

April 2015
Institute of Technology Stockholm. Keynote speakers
Stockholm, Sweden

August 2014
Institute of Technology Stockholm.
Stockholm, Sweden

April 2013
German Institute for Autism
Bielefeld, Germany



February 2011
Little City Foundation, Chicago. Presentation given to governors, trustees and staff.
Chicago, USA

October 2010
IX International Congress Autism Europe
Catania, Sicily

November 2008
Sparkle and Shine – Sharing excellence in multisensory practice. (FloRich Productions Ltd)
MIC Hotel and Conference Centre, London

November 2008
Autism Today MA Healthcare Ltd
Manchester Conference, Centre

July 2008
Autism Today MA Healthcare Ltd
Institute of Physics, London


May 2008
Nottingham Regional Society for Adults and Children with Autism (NoRSACA)
East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham

March 2008
National Autistic Society
The Hilton Hotel, Glasgow

February 2008
National Autistic Society
The Barkston Garden Hotel, London

February 2008
Bellvue School
Bellvue School, Middlesex


June 2011
GA Architects Seminar
Designing Environments for Children and Adults with ASD
Royal Institute of British Architects, London

November 2010
GA Architects Seminar
Designing Environments for Children and Adults with ASD
Reading, UK

June 2010
GA Architects Seminar
Designing Environments for Children and Adults with ASD
Birmingham, UK


November 2009
GA Architects Seminar
Designing Environments for Children and Adults with ASD
The Building Centre, London

October 2009
Sapienza Universita di Roma and GA Architects.
Building Design for Autism (Maria Assirelli – partner GA Architects)
Rome, Italy

April 2009
GA Architects Seminar
Designing Environments for Children and Adults with ASD
Kennedy Leigh Centre, London


March 2006
GA Architects in collaboration with Simon Humphrey
For staff of Sunfield School. Designing Environments for People with ASD
Sunfield Research Institute, Stourbridge UK



GA Architects runs a series of half day seminars that aims to raise the awareness of the importance a good design has on the mood and behaviour of people with autism and their support staff.

The title of each seminar remains the same and has two common themes:

  • To address specific topics or issues related to autism and the built environment.

  • To engage the speakers with the audience in a general discussion on the topics presented.


Target Audience

Residential and educational providers of children and adults with autism and behavioural and learning difficulties, local authorities, teachers, carers, OT’s and professionals involved in research in autism and the care environment.



It is now widely accepted that people with ASD show signs of less challenging behaviour and enhanced well being if they live and learn in an environment that promotes a sense of inclusion and considers their specific needs. Each seminar addresses specific design considerations in the educational and residential environment that influence not just the mood and behaviour of people with ASD but also their carers, teachers and support staff. Please see Seminars Archive for a typical itinerary


Project Inception

  • Advice on the preparation of a digital survey if one does not exist. It is essential to have an accurate survey of the building (if existing) or of the land to be built on so that there are no errors in dimensions or levels.

  • Advice on the appointment of other consultants needed for the project.



Tickets cover the costs of the seminar with any surplus being donated to a charity.
£90 for adults. £35 for students and carers.


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